Trees help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas. Most importantly, trees sequester carbon, helping to remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which cools the earth. In fact, a mature canopy tree absorbs enough carbon and releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings!
Why Trees are important for us:
Adopt the trees. ... Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.
Why do we need to plant:
We cannot make our own proteins - we need plants to do that for us. The same is true of vitamins and partly so for fats and oils. Plants turn Carbon dioxide in the air into Oxygen. ... Our waste product of this process is Carbon dioxide which webreathe out and plants need for photosynthesis.
Can people survive without plants:
Why Humans Couldn't Exist Without Plants. One of the oldest forms of life on Earth are Plants. They have been part of life much before the arrival of human beings on the planet. The first and foremost role of plants in our lives is they produce oxygen which is the lifeline to all human beings and animals.
What will happen if there are no plants on the earth?
Life could not exist on Earth without trees because they produce most of the oxygen that humans and wildlife breathe. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen using the process of photosynthesis.

September through November is the ideal time for planting trees, shrubs and perennials (in the Northern hemisphere) because it allows the roots to become established before the ground freezes and winter sets in. Trees and shrubs planted in the fall are also better equipped to deal with heat, pests and drought the following season.
Another great reason to plant your trees and shrubs in the fall is so you can select them by the fall colors they produce.
Cooler, wetter weather is the perfect time for tree planting, and seasonal rains can often provide all the water the tree needs to establish. However, if the weather is dry you should make sure your shade trees get about 15-20 gallons of water a week, until they go dormant for winter.
Fruit trees and ornamental trees and shrubs can receive a little less. It is very easy to make sure your tree gets the water it needs automatically using a TreeGator device.
Avoid planting broad leaved evergreens like rhododendrons, azaleas, boxwoods and hollies in the fall, because they are not likely to survive winter cold and wind so soon after planting. However, virtually all other temperate shade trees, ornamental/fruit trees, and perennials are perfect for planting in the fall, before the soil gets too cold too dig.

Here are a few key tips for proper tree planting that you may not know:
A healthy tree’s root system is just as wide as its canopy, so be sure to plant your tree in a location far enough from your house to accommodate both the mature breadth of the tree branches and the mature spread of the tree roots.
Consider where your water and sewer pipes are in your yard in relation to your tree’s future root spread. It would be awfully expensive and tragic to have to cut down a 30-foot tall, mature shade tree because its roots were breaking up your plumbing
Make sure your tree is planted at the exact same depth as it was planted in the pot or burlap sack it came in.
Never pile mulch around the trunk of your tree!